Our payment system ensures fast and secure transactions, managing high volumes seamlessly with 15+ integrated gateways. It supports unpaid invoices, refunds, deposits, and compliance with fiscal regulations where required. Flexible integration and robust reliability make it ideal for diverse payment needs.
Hundreds of small and large payments need to be debited from customers' cards every minute, and any malfunction can lead to chaos in the money stream. That's why it's essential to work with an experienced partner – both on the acquiring side and with an IT-solution that integrates with the acquiring. With nearly ten years of experience, we’ve integrated over 15 payment gateways - all of which are currently working seamlessly.
We have the experience and knowledge to handle payments, both regular and in special situations. We've made sure that switching between payment solutions is easy for customers. Plus, you can use multiple payment gateways at the same time. Our system also has options to work with unpaid invoices and debtors, as well as handling other aspects of payments such as withholdings, refunds and deposits. In some countries, we also manage fiscalization of payments.
Create and customize flexible pricing plans to fit your business needs. Adjust rates based on time, location, vehicle type, or demand. Implement dynamic pricing to optimize revenue during peak hours or special events.
We have integrated many popular payment systems like Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and local solutions. You can choose from our existing integrations or suggest your own to make the payment process as convenient as possible for your customers.
We have repeatedly proven this in practice with dozens of launched projects and years of successful work. Ask our clients who have tried several IT solutions but still remain with us.